Telephone Number

Telephone Number

Telephone Number

Telephone numbers  - Area and Mobile Phones in Israel
Telephone numbers in Israel - Directory with City Codes and Mobile Phone Companies
The telephone number country code for Israel is +972
How to dial in Israel ? When dialing an Israeli telephone number inside the country, use : 0 + Area/network operator code (A/N) + phone number (X)
How to dial to Israel from other countries? When dialing an Israeli telephone number from other country, use : +972 + Area/network operator code (A/N) + phone number (X)
List of telephone area codes by district and city
How to dial to Israel ? To dial within inside the same geographical area, the local prefix (2, 3, 4, 8, 9) can be dropped. For example instead of dialing (0A) XXX-XXXX you can dial XXX-XXXX).
Local telephone number : (02) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 2 XXX-XXXX in Jerusalem District area code
Local telephone number : (03) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 3 XXX-XXXX in Tel Aviv District area code
Local telephone number : (03) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 3 XXX-XXXX in Central District area code
Local telephone number : (04) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 4 XXX-XXXX in Haifa District
Local telephone number : (04) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 4 XXX-XXXX in Northern District area code
Local telephone number : (08) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 8 XXX-XXXX in Southern District area code
Local telephone number : (08) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 8 XXX-XXXX in Lowland area code
Local telephone number : (09) XXX-XXXX - International format : +972 9 XXX-XXXX in Sharon area code
Telephone numbers in Israel includes an area code, operator and a subscriber number.
Telephone number length : 8 or 9 (subscriber number)
International call prefix : 00 or 01x -
Dial 00 for the International Access Code when calling from Israel to other countries (For registered customers)
Telecom Regulator : Israeli Ministry of Communications - The Israeli telecommunication infrastructure is including the Palestinian telecommunication system.
00 or +short code - International Access Code (Only for registered customers)
012 - International Code 012 Smile Service
013 - International Code 013 Netvision Service
014 - International Code Bezeq International Service
015 – International Code Hallo 015 Service
016 – International Code Golan Telecom Service
017 – International Code Hot Mobile Service
018 - International Code 018 Exfone Service (Xfone)
019 – International Code 019 Telzar service
The dial plan type in Israel is closed, and 0 is the internal Trunk prefix in Israel.
History of telephone numbers in Israel. Until the 1990s, telephone numbers in Israel had 6 digits. In the 2000s, there were 8 area codes allocated to Bezeq, by region. Currently numbers have seven digits and Bezeq controls 6 area codes - 04 and 06 (Haifa and northern areas) were merged, as well as 07 (south) and 08 (Shfela).
Israel Telephone Number 2024
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